夠力~~ 過了明天就算實習兩個星期了 堵車的情況好像一天比一天糟 平日早上上班時 路上車輛都不算很多 怎知道這兩天到了Sunway Tol那裏就開始堵車 快到Sunway轉彎那裏才看到電子告示牌寫著 『交通燈失靈,請繞道行駛』 真是的 害人遲到 就今早曾某遲到了快三十分鐘了啦~ Intern for almost 2 weeks dy. Traffic jam in PJ seems getting worse each day. It even happens around 10am after Sunway tol these 2 days. The digital road sign at the Sunway junction is showing "Traffic light out of service, please use alternate passage". This stupid jam makes me late for almost 30 minutes to office. 今早的堵車狀況 Traffic jam this morning